The Tollywood watched while Nagarjuna went on introduced his own sonillas Sumanth and Sushant into Telugu cinima field. The 2 young artists have shaped their positions and they are going from strong to stronger. Everyone surprised when Nagarjuna would introduce his son Akkeneni Sai Naga Chaitanya, has matured to be fairly an attractive young man.
The most awaited event occurred of Naga Chaitanya Birthday. Debut of Naga Chaitanya, is being specially produced by Mr. Dil Raju in banner of Sri Venkateswara Creations and being directed by Mr. Vasu Varma, now it has the special magnetism of Anushka, top heroine of Telugu cine field, doing the dance with this Naga Chaitanya.
A small known information of Anushka’s life like yoga teacher she included Naga Chaitanya amongst her pupils. This was Naga who introduced Anuskha to Nagarjuna, and then Anushka became star in Super as romantic interest of Nagarjuna. When her pupil requested to dance with her on silver screen, She could not refuse.